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low profile 不引人注目的形象,隱蔽不露的活動;低姿態的活動。

low relief

You guys ' appearances seem to be more simple and in low profile now , can you tell us why ? to save time 近年來在化妝及著裝上也越來越趨于簡單低調化,想問一下,最初的契機是什么?不會是因為太麻煩了吧?

Although some of its history has been well - known for many years , the service has generally kept a low profile 盡管英國秘密情報局( sis )的某些歷史事件多年來被廣為流傳,但sis通常保持一個低調的形象。

Dawei ' s charm is not only his look , but also his nice personalities , his well - mannered behavior and his low profile 我還是試著幫你翻一下吧:大為不僅外表出眾,人品也非常好,舉止有度,低調。

The type zk01 . 720 is a self aligning rubber foot , combining excellent load introduction with low profile design 型號zk01 . 720是一個自調整橡膠底座,有很好的負載引入方式,而且是低外形設計。

Before , carrying a portable camera and keeping quite low profile shooting outside , i can shoot freely with few people notices 以前拿個小相機,出去相當低調,想怎樣拍都可以,也沒人注意。

A handlebar that juts forward so that the rider can assume a low profile for better aerodynamics 這種車把具有向前伸出的扶手,讓車手身體降低、達到更好的空氣動力學性能。

Master - hand is usually low profile . however , i ' m the master - hand in all master - hands , i ' ve to keep high profile 題目:高手需要低調,但是我是高手中的高手,所以我要高調

The local people are not always pleasant to strangers , who are warned to keep a low profile while visiting 陌生人被告知在這兒要低調,因為當地人不怎么歡迎生面孔。

Voiceover : but it ' s hard to keep a low profile when you ' re one of the hottest guys on tv 記者著:但當你作為一位熒幕巨星時,你該如何保持你低調的作風呢?

For his part , the actor kept a low profile to help build anticipation for the film 對這位演員而言,他保持低姿態以幫助建立公眾對這部電影的期待。

United nations , march 29 as kofi annan sees it , the time for low profiles is past 聯合國, 3月29日正如科菲安南所認識到的,不能再保持低姿態了。

Instead , it began a slow but steady low profile growth in the u . s . and overseas 相反,它在美國和世界其它地方開始緩慢但穩定地、低姿態地增長。

You might see me wit a bitch , that s not my child i be in the benzo , keep a low profile 喂喂喂我是阿隆約你一大早好不好沒沒沒沒問題就一大早

The young professor hide his light under a bushel and kept everything in low profile 這位年輕的教授不露鋒芒,做任何事,都以低姿態處理。

He sought a low profile , especially until after he had been playing for a number of games 他看起來瘦了一些,特別是在踢過幾場比賽之后。

In fact we kept a low profile to comply with rules or regulations , “ explained mr wong 事實上我們一直保持低調及遵守當地規則或規例。

We keep a low profile , and we do things differently . thai ' s our explanation 我們總是低調處理并且做事與眾不同。這就是我們的解釋。 ”

After the return of hong kong to china in 1997 , jlc kept a low profile 我體會到,行政機構跟立法機關是有亙相制衡又亙相配合的關系。

Keep a low profile 采取低姿態